Many people get confused with the kitchen upstand. It sounds like an accessory, while actually, it is a construction feature. Here’s your quick answer: An upstand is the worktop border strip that sits upright at the back of the wall. Usually, a kitchen upstand is 6 or 15 cm high with a thickness of 2 cm. It acts as a ...

A kitchen island looks absolutely gorgeous in a kitchen. Not only it enhance the aesthetics, but it also provides additional space and a second worktop. But luxury does come with a price tag. So, if you’re searching for a cost to build a kitchen island, here’s your quick answer: The average cost of a kitchen island is £4500. The cost ...

A stunning kitchen backsplash is enough for a budget kitchen facelift. It can transform your cooking zone and gives a jaw-dropping finishing touch.  The irony is homeowners don’t give enough importance to their kitchen splashback. That’s why most people end up with average backsplash ideas even though they want to try something new. But not anymore! We’ve got incredible kitchen ...

Over time, the kitchen worktop gets outdated and becomes rugged due to overuse. Eventually, it ruins your kitchen aesthetics. Well, you can replace the kitchen countertop anytime. But the first that came into our mind is how much to replace kitchen worktops. The short answer is it depends on the material and the length of your countertop. If you opt ...

Extending the kitchen into a conservatory is the best idea to bring natural light in and add value to your property. It adds a bit of space to your kitchen but eventually enhances the aesthetics. Well, if you’re looking for small kitchen conservatory extension ideas, we’ve got some stunning and jaw-dropping ideas for you to be inspired. So, sit back ...

Nothing is more annoying than a clogged kitchen sink. And in the worst case, you may end up with water coming back up, which is really gross. In case you’re searching for how to unblock the kitchen sink, then here’s your quick answer: The quickest way to unblock the sink is by using baking soda and vinegar. Pour a cup ...

While scrolling Instagram or Pinterest, you may have seen hundreds of cashmere colour kitchens. No doubt, cashmere is the hottest trend of 2023. An odd worktop can ruin the overall appearance of your kitchen. And with such a light shade colour, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.  So, if you want to give your cooking zone ...

“Why not add a small kitchen extension” is probably the first thing that comes to our mind whenever we want to upgrade our kitchen. Well, it’s practical, and you end up with more cooking space. But what about the cost of this whole process? It’s better to search for an average cost of kitchen extensions before rushing toward the construction ...

A kitchen facelift can save your day if you want to give your cooking zone a new look. From floor to cabinets, there are multiple options that you can try. But what about the cost? How much does it cost for a kitchen facelift? Well, if you’re planning to remodel your space soon, here’s the information we don’t want you ...

Lately, the grey kitchen is a trend that everyone is gushing over. But the problem is that it’s a very delicate colour. Too much grey will give the dark vibes, while too light will seem a misfit. So, how to add colour to a grey kitchen? Well, certainly, you can go for wall art or open shelving for a budget-friendly ...